



Evaluation schedule for U11-U17/19 Softball                    

U11 Softball - Sunday April 6 - 3:00PM - 4:45PM

U13 Softball - Sunday April 6 - 4:45pm - 6:30pm:

U15 Softball - Sunday April 13 - 3:00pm - 4:45PM

U17/19 Softball - Sunday April 13 - 4:45pm - 6:30pm


Evaluation schedule for 11U-18U Hardball

11U Hardball

All 11U Players will be emailed in advance as to which of the three sessions they will be required to attend. This session is an evaluation in order make even teams.

11U Hardball (SESSION 1) - Monday April 14 - 5:00PM - 6:30PM

11U Hardball (SESSION 2) - Monday April 14 - 6:30PM - 8:00PM

11U Hardball (SESSION 3) - Monday April 14 - 8:00PM - 9:30PM

13U Hardball

These sessions are for all Major and Minor Players. Following Session Two on Wednesday, April 9th, Winkler Minor Ball will notify players who will be invited to the final Tier 1 Tryout on Thursday, April 10th. Players must attend one of the two Tryout Sessions in order to be considered for the Tier 1 Team. Players not selected to move on to the final Tier 1 Tryout, will be drafted to one of our Tier 2 Teams.

13U TIER 1/TIER 2 Hardball (SESSION 1 OF 2) - Monday April 7 - 5:00PM - 7:00PM

13U TIER 1/TIER 2 Hardball (SESSION 2 OF 2) - Monday April 9 - 5:00PM - 7:00PM

15U Hardball

These sessions are for all Major and Minor Players. Following Session Two on Wednesday, April 9th, Winkler Minor Ball will notify players who will be invited to the final Tier 1 Tryout on Thursday, April 10th. Players must attend one of the two Tryout Sessions in order to be considered for the Tier 1 Team. Players not selected to move on to the final Tier 1 Tryout, will be drafted to one of our Tier 2 Teams.

15U TIER 1/TIER 2 Hardball (SESSION 1 OF 2) - Monday April 7 - 7:00PM - 9:00PM

15U TIER 1/TIER 2 Hardball (SESSION 2 OF 2) - Monday April 9 - 7:00PM - 9:00PM

18U Hardball

As of now, there will be no evaluations needed for our 18U Baseball program.

Winkler Minor Ball - Player Evaluation Info

The purpose of this short guide is to prepare you and your child for the WMBA Player Evaluation session
and help put them at ease if they’ve never been through the Player Evaluation process before.

What To Bring - Each player should bring their glove, bat and a water bottle. If a player has his own
batting helmet, they can bring that, too, otherwise one will be provided (players are encouraged to have
their own helmet for the season).

What To Wear - Dress the same as you would for an indoor baseball/softball practice: indoor shoes, tee
shirt and/or sweatshirt, baseball pants or sweatpants.

How It Works - The players will be evaluated in five baseball skills. Formal evaluations are conducted by
a group of coaches and WMBA exec members, who will rate each player in each skill on a 1-to-10 scale.
These ratings, along with coaches' opinion, are used to help determine the proper league placement for
each player. Each coach may also conduct his own informal evaluation of each player.

Under no circumstances will any WMBA exec member, evaluator, or coach reveal the ratings or ranking
of any individual player. So please don’t ask!!!

The Skill Stations

Batting - They are evaluated based on how well they swing the bat and their technique (swing
mechanics), how well they hit the ball (contact), and how hard/how far they hit the ball (power). They
are assigned one overall rating for batting.

Pitching - They are evaluated on how hard they throw (velocity), and how accurately they hit the strike
zone (control) and assigned ratings for each. In addition, most coaches will evaluate them on their form
and technique (pitching mechanics), though they will not receive a formal rating for each.

Fielding - Each player will be hit ground balls and fly balls. While the player's success in catching the ball
is factored in, the evaluators are mainly looking at the player's form, technique, and footwork (fielding
mechanics) to come up with a ground ball rating and a fly ball rating. They are also assigned a throwing
rating, which includes their throwing accuracy, throwing mechanics, and release (how quickly they get in
position to throw and get rid of the ball after fielding it). The throwing rating and pitching rating are
distinct, which allows evaluators to differentiate between a player who doesn't throw well and one who
does throw well but has either not learned how to pitch or lacks pitching experience.

WE CAN'T STRESS THIS ENOUGH: The evaluation ratings will not be shared with any player or parent, so
please don't ask!!!

How To Make a Good Impression On The Coaches

- Be on time.
- Follow the directions of the volunteer running the drill station. Coaches love players who listen and
follow directions!
- Have your child come prepared and dressed appropriately. Nothing screams, "Rookie!" like showing
up to an evaluation in jeans and a flannel shirt or going through the fielding station with a catcher's mitt!
- Practice, practice, practice! Most players put the bat and glove away after the last season ended and
won't take it out again until evaluations. Mistake! If possible, get out there the weekend before and
take some light batting practice and throw the ball around. Shake the rust off so when evaluations
come the coaches will see "the real you".

- Most importantly, HAVE FUN! Let the coaches see what a great kid you are and how much you love
the game. SMILE! - If you make a mistake, shake it off, grit your teeth, and give it another try. Make it
clear you love the game and you're ready to learn. Most coaches would rather have a player with
average skills and a great attitude than a player with very good skills and a poor attitude.

Thank you and GOOD LUCK

Any Questions, Please Ask!

Winkler Minor Ball


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